WCC 2018 Registration

WCC 2018 registration must be done via the registration system available:


  1. Who is eligible to register as an IFIP Member -> see the list of countries and organizations.
  2. Before starting a registration procedure it is recommended to read the information available on this page (fees, types of participants, cancelation policy, a rule book of WCC 2018).
  3. Short registration manual is available here (in case of doubts how to precede).
  4. Any problems or special cases not handled by the registration system should be reported to: wcc2018@congress.pl
  5. Authors having n papers at WCC must do n independent registrations.
  6. Regulations for WCC 2018 participants: PDF


Type of participant Early bird/normal Daily pass [EUR] Full pass [EUR]
IFIP Member Early bird 150 550
IFIP Member Normal 180 640
Non-IFIP Member Early bird 165 595
Non-IFIP Member Normal 200 700
Student Early bird 75 325
Student Normal 180 640
Author/Presenter Early bird 150 550
Author/Presenter Normal 180 640

Early bird registration: until 31 Jul, 2018
Normal registration: from 1 Aug, 2018

On-site 1 day pass costs 225 EUR for all types of participants (not applicable for authors/presenters).
On-site full pass costs 1000 EUR for all types of participants (not applicable for authors/presenters).

Type of participant

a) IFIP Member: a member of IFIP member societies, a member of IFIP groups (GA, TA, TCs, WGs, DCs, IP3, InterYIT), a Honorary Member.
b) Non-IFIP Member: everyone not qualifying for (a), (c), or (d).
c) Student: a full time bachelor, master, or PhD student (a postgraduate or part-time student does NOT qualify).
  • A student who is an author and presenter of an accepted paper has to register as Author/Presenter.
  • A student who is a co-author of an accepted paper but is not a presenter, can register as Student.
d) Author/Presenter: all authors of accepted papers included in proceedings are eligible for the IFIP Member rate. At least one author of an accepted paper MUST register before the deadline of the early bird rate.
  • Authors who are presenting an accepted proceedings paper have to register at least for all days of the event they are presenting in.
  • All presenters (without an accepted proceedings paper) are eligible for the IFIP Member rate.
  • An author having N papers included in proceedings has to pay N Author/Presenter registration fees, i.e., one registration fee per paper.
e) Daily pass includes access to all sessions on that day, coffee breaks, and lunch. Social events and conference proceedings are excluded.
f) Full pass includes access to all sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, social events, one volume of proceedings.

Cancelation Policy

  1. Replacing an already registered participant with another participant is ALWAYS possible, provided that the name of a new participant is known to the organizers not later than by Sep 14th, 2018.
  2. Canceling a registration until Jun 30th, 2018 - 65% of the registration fee is returned (due to paid VAT, bank transfer fees, operational charges).
  3. Canceling a registration until Jul 31st, 2018 - 45% of the registration fee is returned.
  4. Canceling a registration until Aug 31st, 2018 - 20% of the registration fee is returned.
  5. Canceling a registration after Aug 31st, 2018 - no registration fee is returned.

Honorary Patronage
Honorary Patronage of the Mayor of Poznań Honorary Patronage of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Honorary Patronage of the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs
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